The famous writer Dale Carnegie says,
" Yesterday is a dream and tommorrow is a vision. But today well-lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tommorrow a vision of hope."
There are two things that stop us from utilizing the present moment. One is the painful though of the past and the other is the worry for the future. Many painful things might have happened in our lives. But they are dead and gone. Now it is useless and foolish to think of them. Even if we think about them, we cannot make any changes in what has already happened to us. It is also useless to worry about the future. We dont know what will happen to us tommorrow. Moreover, we are not going to make any changes on the future events just by worring. If we really want to make the future promising and beautiful, stop worrying and start working.
Imagine there is a bank, which deposits in our account Rs.86,400 everyday.Every evening it cancels what is left in the account. What wouldwe do? We will use as much as possible.Everyone has such a bank called TIME. Every morning it gives us 86,400 seconds.Every night it cancels whatever we have failed to utilize.Therefore, understand the richness of each day, moment and utilise it well and be happy.
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